About us
Who are we?
Laser & Optronics is a research unit of the Department of Communication, Information, Systems and Sensors (CISS) of the Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium.
Welcome to our university research unit specialising in electro-optical and infrared sensors and lasers. Our modern laboratory facilities and proactive team take immense pride in supporting the Royal Military Academy students, particularly during their final year Masters project. We establish strong partnerships with other Belgian universities, European research centres, and our national defence industry. We proactively seek to collaborate within NATO research groups, contributing our laboratory facilities and knowledge to the joint benefit of the Alliance. Finally, our primary objective is resolute: to be the key in-house knowledge and research hub on optronics and lasers for Belgian Defence.
Research focus
· Optronics: VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR, multi-spectral
· Laser applications: VIS, NIR & MWIR
· Image exploitations: AI, machine and deep learning
· Laser countermeasure techniques
· Camouflage testing and assessment
· Sensor assessment
· Ship-based intelligence gathering (AI & deep learning)
· Counter UAS threat predictive tools
· High energy Laser assessment of hazards and safety
· Visible and NIR lasers to dazzle individuals and sensors.
· Passive counter-drone assessment
· Sensor performance modelling and visualisation
Facilities and capabilities
· Optronics laboratory (four 3m x 1.5m optical tables)
· Laser dazzling shooting simulator (15m length)
· Trials team for observation systems and drone field tests
· Drone laboratory for prototype development (jointly operated with RAS/RMA)
· Low light Laser tunnel facility (18m length)